Friday, March 28, 2014

03.28.14 Daily News Clips - afternoon edition

Tweet of the afternoon
 ‪@LisaGK: @choice4kids Village Leadership Academy students telling the story. ‪

Vouchers – Florida
Orlando Sentinel: School choice gets helping hand in Florida Legislature

03.28.14 Daily News Clips – morning edition

Tweet of the morning
@Wilson3211: This charter school fight is ridiculous. Why mess with something that is working, and the kids love it there! @FBNStossel #GovtBullies

America Federation for Children
Kevin Chavous on Stossel regarding Mayor de Blasio's war on charters

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

03.26.14 Daily News Clips - afternoon edition

Tweet of the afternoon
‪@SchoolChoiceLA: We love these photos of our Champions for Choice! Such bold leaders who stand up for kids:  #schoolchoice #LAed

Vouchers – Tennessee
Nashville Post: House Ed Sub closes up shop, stows voucher bill away just in case

03.26.14 Daily News Clips – morning edition

Tweet of the morning
@RepLukeMesser: Inaugural Congressional #schoolchoice caucus meeting is underway! ‪

American Federation for Children
New Congressional School Choice Caucus Brings Focus Back to Students

New Congressional School Choice Caucus Brings Focus Back to Students

The newly formed Congressional School Choice Caucus held its first meeting yesterday at our nation’s capital. The caucus, created by longtime educational choice advocate Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN), works to promote school choice policies at the federal level and bring educational options to even more families nationwide.

During the inaugural meeting, the caucus heard from those who matter the most when it comes to education and school choice – parents and students.

Parents from a wide variety of schools in D.C. discussed their experiences with school choice in the District and described the impact that choice has had on their children and family. 

Parents discussing their experience with school choice during the first Congressional School Choice Caucus meeting. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

03.21.14 Daily News Clips - afternoon edition

Tweet of the afternoon
‪@GoldwaterInst: #BreakingNews: AZ’s Supreme Court upholds education savings accounts, setting the stage for education savings account programs nationwide.

Vouchers – Arizona
Arizona Daily Star: Court upholds Arizona school voucher program

03.21.14 Daily News Clips – morning edition

Tweet of the morning
@willweatherford: I cannot see any reason why we’d quit on children looking for a better opportunity. My statement:  #schoolchoice

American Federation for Children

Thursday, March 20, 2014

03.20.14 Daily News Clips - afternoon edition

Tweet of the afternoon
@ExcelinEd: Revisions to Alabama Accountability Act to expand choice options passed in the House and moves to Senate  #alleg

American Federation for Children
ICYMI: Valerie Strauss' republished op-ed attacking school choice ignores the facts


ICYMI: Valerie Strauss' republished op-ed attacking school choice ignores the facts

In case you missed it, Valerie Strauss recently republished an op-ed out of Florida by Rita Solnet that attacks school choice and the successful Florida Tax Credit Scholarship program. Patrick Gibbons wrote a rebuttal to the article examining the argument and reveals it is filled with errors and pays no attention to the facts.

The Fact Checker Valerie Strauss might have used on school choice
By Patrick R. Gibbons
via - RedefinED (
Washington Post education reporter Valerie Strauss is not known for an open mind on school choice, but she would have been wise to do a little homework before reprinting a 1,300-word oped from an anti-voucher activist in Florida. Had this column been submitted to The Fact Checker at the Post, 4 Pinocchios might not have done it justice.
The op-ed is written by a Palm Beach parent activist, Rita Solnet, who sincerely believes every parent wants his or her child to attend the school down the street. But her attack on a proposed expansion of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship suffers not only from a lack of sensitivity to the plight of desperately poor parents, mostly of color, who have their children on waiting lists. Unfortunately, it also shows a remarkable indifference to basic facts. 

03.20.14 Daily News Clips – morning edition

Tweet of the morning

American Federation for Children
Educational Choice Champions Honored by Louisiana Federation for Children

Houma Today: Local lawmakers recieve awards from pro-voucher group

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

03.19.14 Daily News Clips - afternoon edition

Tweet of the afternoon
‪@GOPLeader: Expanding education opportunity through #SchoolChoice gives every kid a shot at a good education.

Vouchers – Florida
VOXXI: Now Florida parents have more options for private schools

03.19.14 Daily News Clips – morning edition

Tweet of the morning
‪@NirviShah: Teachers’ unions went all out in Tuesday's Illinois primary, but their favored candidates did not do well. …

Vouchers – Florida
News 4 Jax: Democrats clamping down on school voucher bill

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

03.13.14 Daily News Clips - afternoon edition

Tweet of the afternoon
@RyankCantrell: “The best benefit is being able to have a level of control in your child’s educational future.”  #alpolitics

Vouchers – Wisconsin
Journal-Sentinel: More schools seek voucher status as accountability issue lingers

03.13.14 Daily News Clips – morning edition

Tweet of the morning
@SaraSClements: Congrats to the state of MS! Almost there! #schoolchoice

American Federation for Children

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014