Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rep. Cantor: “Enough is enough” when it comes to failing our children

One of the highest ranking members of the U.S. House of Representatives issued his support for empowering parents to have a voice in their child’s education. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) in an opinion-editorial featured in the Richmond Times- Dispatch said, “Children cannot escape poverty if they cannot read or write. Young adults cannot prepare for college without access to dedicated teachers and administrators. And parents cannot ensure their children have it better than they did if they don’t have the opportunity to improve their children’s education.”

We couldn’t agree more with Rep. Cantor. For many low-income parents, watching their child struggle through their underperforming, neighborhood school is their reality. Imagine how difficult it must be to see your child’s dreams get flushed away just because they are assigned to a school that is ill-equipped to meet their learning needs.

“We must restore hope for a brighter future and we can start by focusing on education,” said Cantor. “A good education is the most basic and fundamental opportunity we owe each and every child. Yet, all too often we fail our children, especially those in low-income neighborhoods. Enough is enough.”

We at the American Federation for Children agree that a good education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. If our nation’s poorest children are not provided with adequate access to a quality education, there is no chance for them to achieve a better future.

As a nation, we cannot afford to let another child slip through the cracks. Statistics show that every day nearly 7,000 students drop out of school in the United States, totaling nearly one million students each year. For many of these children, without a high school degree, their chances of finding employment is scarce – thus resulting in the cycle of poverty continuing. Reports show that nearly 23 percent of African American male dropouts between the ages of 16-24 are incarcerated.

We cannot let our children become statistics. We stand with Rep. Cantor in his call for adequate access to quality educational options for ALL students!

 - American Federation for Children | Alliance for School Choice, Kristen Tyagi


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